Every blog ought to have at least one post with a cryptic title! Consider this it.
So, what might 'co-volution' mean? Let me get around to that in a roundabout way . . .
I have a tendency to do things on my own. That's good, but not always.
I don't need to rely on anyone else, and neither do I need to convince people of my ideas. On the other hand, I miss out on valuable feedback, and there's only me to do the work!
So look, for this project I'm going to need outside help. And for the first time in my life, I'm going to ask for it.
My ideas for this project are not set in stone. My vision is somewhat fluid, flexible, malleable and whatnot. Therefore, in accord with the principle of social learning, I'm stepping outside of my comfort zone to invite external input.
I'd like to incorporate the best ideas of other people, assuming that they are onboard regarding the basic premises. (I'm not interested in debate simply for debate's sake.)
In short, what I hope to do is enlist the aid of skilled others with whom to co-develop, or co-evolve the Language Voyage Vision.
Initially I'm seeking to work with group of 100 pioneering language learning members. I'll spend a year with them, listening to what they say, incorporating their suggestions, discussing things, brainstorming and the like.
At the end of the year, I'll invite them to stay on as members without asking them for further subscription. They'll be invited to remain on as 'Elders' (to lift a term from elsewhere).
As time goes on, and I ramp up the language voyage, I'm going to be looking to employ other people, or enter into some sort of partnership with them to sail into new waters in other oceans. Naturally I'll consider first at the friends with whom I've already built up a relationship.
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