Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Financial position

My dream is to enable people to acquire languages in the best possible way. I don't want the need to earn a living to get in the way of that. And so, I intend to strike a balance. I guess that's what everyone does to pursue their life's work.

And so, I'm going to make my material available to anyone for the asking. It will come in electronic form . . . no postage, no trees cut down, and instantaneous. In so doing, people will go onto an emailing list from which they are welcome to unsubscribe at a later date. (But I won't recommend that, because I'll be updating things and putting out new material over time.)

If the recipient is in any way a resourceful person, then he or she may then fire ahead on their own and learn their chosen language using my methods.

However, if they feel that it would help them to keep up the momentum then they might consider becoming a member of the Voyage of Languages fraternity. They will be able to receive and give encouragement, and to sit in on monthly webinars.

Because people's means vary widely, I'm not going to insist on a fixed price. Indeed, I'm going to invite them to let me know what it is worth to them to belong to such a club. What's it worth for them to travel in good company on a language voyage? I'll throw in a free deckchair!

I might set a monthly minimum, perhaps the price of a cup of coffee.  I might set a maximum too--say a dollar a day. And if it turns out that I find myself subsisting on nothing but coffee I might need to do a little rethink! We'll see how things develop.

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